Thoughts from out there

Yes, there certainly is a lot of noise about.

Of course, politics takes up a fair bit of bandwidth. Lots of chatter and not much being actually listened to on all sides. After a while, you kind of just want to tune it all out. The easy way to deal with it right? In a way, I can understand why some folks just don’t vote and take everything as it happens. Yet, I also see that if you don’t stand up to things now and then, by doing something as simple as casting your ballot, then you really don’t have much to complain about.

No question about it, there is plenty going on nowadays. You got your global warming, your business economics, your trade imbalances, your entertainment choices, your health, your family… it just goes on and on, doesn’t it?

I get it. Times can lead you to have changes in your priorities. Where once upon a time, you had plenty of disposable income to spend on the latest and greatest, that may not be the case for you right now. Other things have made their way to the front of the line and your focus may be on them. Sure, we all have those moments. Maybe your own health, maybe the health of a family member or friend. Maybe your transportation has decided this is the time to demand repairs or maybe a new set of tires? Whatever it may be, that’s the issue in need of your attention.

Honestly, there isn’t anything wrong in that. Nor is there anything wrong with the other side of the coin. If it makes you happy to spend all that disposable income, there are plenty of businesses out there at all levels waiting to give you an opportunity to do just that. More power to you.

As the years pass by, it becomes less for me about the collectibles from all of the events and more about the people who I shared experiences with. Those are the treasured moments. The memories of smiles and some tears, too. A great bottle of wine or a good cigar, the laughs and good times; those are the kind of things you can’t put a price on. And down the road, those are the things you can look back upon.

Yes, sir… plenty of times ahead and behind. All worth it. Go out and get some.

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