It’s a new day!

It’s been a hectic month! New hosting of the web pages along with other changes. All in all, it means new content being shared here shortly. A bit of this and that, with some Disney stories, Western history, and even some Tiki! Stay tuned…

A Good Friend Passes

It has taken me a while to sit down and write this. A good friend and cohort of many misadventures passed away last month after a short illness. In many ways, it just does not seem like he is gone. But Ed Mackinson left…

Nostalgia Redux; Again.

The image above sums up today’s effort nicely. If you may not recall, the dingus, a.k.a. the black bird, is the pot of gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow for all of the characters in Dashiell Hammett’s novel, “The Maltese Falcon”. A…

Adventures await

Despite appearances to the contrary, this space has not been abandoned nor has the author gone missing. Waylaid, perhaps; yet back at the keyboard, prepared to share more stories, tidbits, images and assorted ephemera in days to come. Yes, there have been some challenges….

Down The Road… At Disneyland!

Note: This column first appeared here on June 4th, 2007. And traffic is still backed up on the 5 trying to get to the Park… Lot’s of attention going on in Tomorrowland in Anaheim lately. With the resurrection of the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage,…

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