The 21st?

  Well, this calls for a celebration, of sorts. Mai Tai’s, at least… It has been a long time since I blogged this many days in a row, a long time indeed. And it has been a lot of fun along the way too….

Why not a story?

Off and on, I have toyed with the idea of writing fiction. That said, there are plenty of good people out there keeping the fires going. Some, like pal Steve Boyett, have even managed to have their stories see print on store shelves. I…

A moment in time

  In my life, there are a few moments that I would love to revisit. This is one of them. It is an afternoon, sometime in the fall. Rain is imminent, with the smell on the air. I’m alone with my camera. In a…

4:00 Every Afternoon

Like millions of others, 4:00 pm found me if front of the television to watch this man at work. Monday through Friday, that is. Hard to say why but this show had that something that all the other “daytime dramas” did not offer then….

Playful Spirits

Someone asked me the other day what my beverage of choice was. Oddly enough, the answer was water. That doesn’t mean that if given the chance that I am not willing to imbibe something stronger. The image above should offer some proof to the…

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