This time of the year



It is an interesting time of the year. At least, it is for me…

Another orbit of the sun comes full circle in more ways than one. For the most part, things are good. They could be better, but can’t we all say that?

I know that a lot of people see things much in flux right now. I tend to agree but have a practical side. Walt Disney is often quoted as saying, “The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing.” That is good advice no matter what you find on your agenda for the coming year. Don’t like where you are headed? You are pretty much the one who will take the action needed.

Another good bit of advice has always been “No one helps no one but himself.” Sure, you can give your help, and there are plenty of good choices willing to take what you have to offer, but in the end, only you make the decision. Good or bad, right or wrong. Deciding to take assistance may be one of those decisions you make. At least you get off your butt and do something.

In my own case, probably the best thing that ever happened to me was a forced change. I saw it coming but did not want to acknowledge it. I was comfortable where I was and had been for some time. Yet when change arrived, I felt relieved. As if all of that comfort and security really was keeping me back. By having it gone, changes were ahead. Changes I couldn’t anticipate. In the end, all for the better.

In Tolkein’s book, “The Fellowship of the Ring“, Bilbo Baggins sings a song entitled The Road Goes Ever On:

The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way

Where many paths and errands meet.

And whither then? I cannot say.

I feel somewhat the same way. There are many great things I can look back and say I was there for or was part of. Places I have been and people I have been privileged to meet. Yet instead of looking back and counting the memories, I hope to make more of them.

So, I hope that this time of year allows you all to join together and share the pleasure of one another. Remember those no longer with us. A smile or two and a fond moment along your way. May you have many tomorrows ahead to bring peace. Even if only for a short time. A good smoke and a strong drink to go along with it, if you enjoy that.

Just take it all in.

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