Family history

When it comes to family, I have always been lucky enough to know a fair amount about my grand parents. Great grand parents were a bit more of a challenge but thanks to some great documents and the Internet, I seem to find out more information all the time.

Take for example, yesterday’s release of 1940 US census records. On my father’s side, I am 2 for 2 in finding information in Sparks, Nevada and Berkeley, California. With a bit more time, I expect to be likewise on my mother’s side of the family tree.

The scene above shows a bit of the family tree further back. North Carolina, actually. In 2006, I had the opportunity to visit there and it opened a door to more history that I knew only a bit about. Since that journey, the floodgates have opened and I am awash in family information along that branch.

Others in the family tree have their mysteries. Tales not shared, you might say. And those that might know, sadly no longer with us. The search will go on. Somewhere out there, information lurks in the shadows, waiting to be discovered.

I am proud of my family. Some of them did things worthy of note. Others managed to make it from day to day, keeping their families safe. Like others, there are happy days and there are sad days. A common theme along the generations.

Yet, without them all, I would not be who I am and where I am.

Life is funny that way, isn’t it?

2 Comments on “Family history

  1. My wife is a Genealogist and we take some pretty weird family vacations.

    In some years you could find us literally digging around in family graveyards in the hillbilly territory of Kentucky much like the barn you have pictured above. For her, there is often too much misinformation out there (family tree wise). It’s also often a big clue for her to physically see who is buried next to who. The type of headstone they have, the wording on their inscription and even the decorations all mean something. That’s something you typically don’t find anywhere online.

    If she doesn’t have a birth certificate, marriage license and death certificate in hand, they have a big question mark next to their name until she does.

    Right now, we traveled all over the Midwest but she’s Irish and I can’t wait till see where that leads…
    Roadtrip to Ireland!

    She was happy with the census release yesterday but waiting for more.

    Have fun with your search, if you need help just ask (her). 🙂

    • Thanks Mike!

      Irish family history… oh, that’s another long tale. With Harrington’s and O’Connor to start, there is a whole lot to look into there.

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